
Monday, July 18, 2011

Lizzards and Showers...this should be interesting!

“Look Mom! Can we keep him...PLEASE!?!?”
This is probably the phrase I dread most in life and I heard it again the other day.
All I wanted to do was check on the weather. Some rain had come through and the air outside was surprisingly cool. Not even a minute into my peaceful breaths of rain-scented, cool air without the slightest feeling of humidity (a rarity for July in Georgia), I heard it. “Quick,” I thought. “Just get the boy inside the house before he can say it again or show his brothers.” Nope, I was too late. Before the thought could race through my mind, I was surrounded by pleas and bargaining offers to keep the lizard – A LIZARD!! – for a pet. I can barely handle dogs and cats let alone other typical *pets* … reptiles, insects, etc are out of the question.
And it never fails – I only hear this phrase when my husband (or any other man for that matter) is completely out of sight and in no way able to help me. The last time this happened I threw (yes, threw) a mason jar across the patio where it proceeded to bounce three times before finally shattering all over the place all because the tail touched my hand. My stomach turned as I faced that same situation again.
Of course I could always say no, but it's just a lizard right? And my 3 boys need to be boys and do things like catching lizards. Only, they aren't the ones that end up doing the catching!!
After agreeing to capturing the lizard for the boys and listening to my animal friendly middle child give us a lesson on only keeping the lizard over night because “Lizards should be free and live in the wild with their other lizard friends”, I proceed to catch what appears to be a half-paralyzed, twitchy Blue Skink that is just OH SO GROSS. I had to explain to the boys that their new little friend didn't look so good and might be sick. Slimy, as he was named didn't even make it through the night. I was totally creeped out and exposed to having a lizard in the house just for him to die. I'd say it was a waste of my adrenaline and at least 2 good squeals—All in the name of raising boys, right. *sigh
In other news … some of you moms will get this … others [God bless you] will not...
I was able to take an unexpected shower today! YAY ME!! There are just some days when you know before the day begins, that you probably won't get a shower that day and if you do manage to sneak one in, it probably wont be until late in the evening. Today was one of those days where I didn't expect it, but managed to work it in with minimal brotherly love (um...fighting) while I did it. THAT MY FRIEND IS A GOOD DAY.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Recycle Update...

Can you check something off your BUCKET LIST if it's something that is on-going?

As part of our household's be more earth-friendly campaign, we started recycling and have been going strong for a couple of months now. The kids are getting in the habit of throwing things in the correct bins and they get so excited each time we make a run to the recycling center to drop off everything. We've found that the center does take all sorts of plastics...but, they only take aluminum cans (like for sodas). Now, I have to figure out what to do with all the veggie, sauce, and soup cans.

Here are before and after pictures of our bins. We used a tree to decorate the paper bin. Any suggestions for decorating the bin designated for plastics?

So...what's next? In regards to healthy, earth-friendly living, we have been attempting to eat more naturally. I should note that this goal is easier in some areas than in others. For instance, buying only fresh fruit is a lot easier (and cheaper for the most part) than buying all the canned and individually packaged fruits. I've found that Morgan is IN LOVE with blue berries, but no one else really likes them. The boys seem to be on board and don't even miss the other stuff. That's about as far as I've gotten. If you have any suggestions on how you incorporate natural living into your daily routine, I'd appreciate the help.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

I'm not going all hippie on you, but...

I once heard... "We didn't inherit this earth from our parents or even our grandparents. The earth is on loan to us from our children."

Can I just say this statement conjures up even more than the usual feeling of guilt, because I've never been that green, nature-loving mom who lovingly clothed her babies in cloth diapers, or who stocks the cabinets with only the freshest, natural foods, reads the labels, or protects her family from chemicals and what-not, blah blah blah. Now, don't get me wrong, I love and admire those of you who do and SO WISH I had the conviction to do it; but, honestly, I've just never taken the time.

But...with Earth Day just around the corner (tomorrow to be specific) I think it's time to get started on #2 off the ol' BUCKET LIST. Better late than never right??

We found a local recycling center that is actually pretty close to home. They take all the usuals (glass, aluminum, and paper). I was surprised to see cooking oil on their list. **Should I have known cooking oil was something that needed special disposal?** They also take 'lead acid batteries' which I'm glad to learn (thanks Google) is NOT the typical AA, AAA, etc batteries that I always sort of glanced over my shoulder to see who was watching as I tossed them into the trash. But, plastic is not on their list so I'm going to have to do some more research on that one.

Normally, I would have used the excuse of needing all the perfect organizing bins (like these...but maybe better) to sort everything properly. And, I wouldn't have even started saving anything until said bins were awesomely decorated, in their perfect spots, and the entire household briefed on proper recycle etiquette. ~~I'm sure your getting my OCD/Perfectionist mentality. ~~

Instead, you open our pantry and see this:
A total mess of boxes piled on the floor plus there's jars on the counter. Totally drives me nuts. And yes, I do know how bad all those bottles of water are but cut me some slack...I'm just getting started and bottled water is a rare least in the house.

Anyway... I'd like to make sure this "thinking of the earth" becomes habit and we can find all sorts of ways to be more mindful of what we are using and exposing ourselves to. I think our next adventure is going to be homemade laundry soap. Eeek, that should be fun.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Making a List...Checking it twice

Trying to find out what's naughty and what's nice...

Getting started on my bucket list. Not necessarily things I want to do before I die, but more like changes I want to see in me, my family and our lifestyle. Of course the wants and to-do's will be in there too.

But, I'm trying to keep it all in perspective. Trying to separate the worldly from the Godly. And, I'm especially trying to make sure that I keep my priorities in line with God's will for my life.

My goal: It's not all about checking things off the list. I want to be focused on growing and becoming the woman-wife-mother-servant-friend-employee-giver-doer that God has called me to be.

Check out my BUCKET LIST to see what's in store.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Fumbling Through Pages...and life

"Everybody turn with me to..."

It's Sunday morning and there I was in church fumbling through pages in my Bible and trying to quickly get myself to the same passage my pastor was already reading. Today it was Matthew 7:24-26 and I was struggling with distraction. Distraction from everything!

--could I see Pastor Steve or was I going to have to watch him on the screen (and possible deal with the sound/sight delay)
--where's my pen
--my pants are too tight and my lips are chapped
--and the inevitable can the person in front of me smell my coffee breath which then had me reaching for my purse to grab some gum ~after taking another sip of my coffee~.

I guess something or someone really didn't want me hear the message today.(Yeah, Satan, I'm talking about you so you better listen up!)

Just when I thought everything was in order, I turn the page to the start of Matthew chapter 7 and there I go again reading a devotional at the top of the page rather than going straight to the correct verse. Fortunately, my God was able to overcome my distraction. And, boy, did he ever!!!

Last night, I sat crying over all the crazy dreams and desires and life experiences and yada yada yada. Too much to want and be. Too little time and money to do it. Flopping around like a fish out of water. Unable to go, do, be, ...

Just before bed, when all is suppose to be winding down and getting quiet, my heart/brain pops into overdrive. Why do I have to a flopper? I can make a ~Want~Wish~Dream~Hope~Give~Do~BE!!!~Bucket List. Right? RIGHT?? By the way, you totally have to do the Stevie Wonder head shaking thing and sway your body when you read that!

Couple that with a message ~SO PERFECT~ and even that distracting little devotional which I will be studying later since it's titled PRIORITIES: Planning Your Days...lets just say my head is being held PRETTY high right now. I'm quite certain this high, like many highs in life, will be followed by a low or two, BUT the ride should be interesting. 

God, as always, intends great things for me. Even in the little, day-to-day things...He has a plan and gives me the desire and ability to fulfill His plan. It's the dreams and wishes of my heart that will help keep me moving and growing.  

So...stay tuned...


Well, I guess I'm redirecting just about everything.

I pulled up this blog the other day... yet again.

Completely intent on writing something ~totally awesome~ I instead simply closed the tab and moved on to something requiring less brain power.

I guess that's a sure sign to move on and either stop blogging in general (not that there was much of a start)


Just blab about random stuff as a means to vent ... and maybe even be a support or gain support from others in this world who's lives are just as crazy and amazing and boring and utterly insane (in a good way) as mine.

Does that even make any sense?

I'm sure there'll be random sightings of family news and what not...but for the most part I'm thinking some good ol' fashioned Blah Blah Blah will suit me just find.

...That is until a new direction calls.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Old Lady? I think not!

While the kids are busy with school and Dad's at work, Mom and Gavin are isolated to the house day after day. Gavin is ignoring me more and more, so it's time to find something to do. Old I come.

Many, many years ago my Aunt Nina taught me how to crochet, but I did nothing with it. Then, my Grandma Pickett taught me how to knit a scarf. Again, nothing. I bought a sewing machine with the intention of being that great mom who makes cute outfits for her kiddos and saves so much money because she can repair holes in clothes, blah blah blah. NADA.

I love being creative and crafty... but have NOTHING to show for that love.

Well, not anymore!

My hands have been idle for far too long. So...knitting it is.

I started with what I know best: A simple cast on, followed by knitting row after row to create a scarf. It's not too bad, but very boring and I am tired of scarves. Yes, I know it is the most basic place to start--but I've got it and want to move on.

... ... ...

What's next?

Many web pages later, I settled on a knitted pencil case. Though I certainly don't need one, I thought I could use the pattern, make it a bit larger, and create a bag to keep all my knitting supplies in. This is what it should look like.

Not knowing anything about picking out yarn, I spent at least an hour walking up and down the aisles at Michaels. I probably looked like a weird, crazy lady walking in circles, rubbing yarn after yarn. I settled on a Lion Brand Yarn that is organic cotton. It's soft and not itchy...which is definitely a must in my opinion.

On size 13 needles, this yarn produced a very stretchy bag, with a large gauge. It's a bit sloppy and does NOT hide any imperfections. Here, you see what the piece looked like after knitting the pattern, using Stockinette Stitch. The ends are so messy. I'm not exactly sure what happened. Also, since I added the stripes on my own and wasn't really paying attention to the number of rows for each color, the stripes are very uneven.

I have this strange obsession with the inside of bags, purses, etc. The inside has to be just as cute, if not cuter, than the outside or I won't buy it. Many great purses have been passed by because the inside liner didn't "speak to me". That's not the case with this bag. The inside is by far my favorite part.

The end result is a slightly sloppy, but cute bag that is nothing like the original picture associated with the pattern. Not only did I try to enlarge the pattern, I also added more difficulty that I was ready for by doing stripes using 2 different colored yarns instead of using a self-striping yarn. OH...I also had to hand-sew the fabric lining and zipper for this one. YEP-TOTALLY CRAZY! But, I actually completed a project from start to finish. Exciting! I now have something to show.

Friday, January 21, 2011 that you?

Did 2010 really end that quick?


Over the course of two moves, job changes, and all the other craziness of 2010, we've sort of forgotten about having fun and enjoying life. So, 2011 is all about getting back to having fun and enjoying God's blessings. We're breaking out old hobbies, creating new ones, and actually doing more than sitting around.

First up...what to do when school gets closed for an entire week due to a little snow and A LOT of ice? It's a good thing there is a fresh supply of Christmas presents to keep everyone entertained.

With what seemed like a million tiny pieces of plastic connectors spread all over the TV room floor, we set out building a HUGE, double ferris wheel. Not an easy task.

Morgan and Christian are great engineers. They worked really hard looking at the instruction pictures and following all the tedious steps needed to create their masterpiece.

They only needed a little help and a bunch of encouragement from mom to finish.

After two days, we finally completed the giant, double ferris wheel. It is now proudly displayed in the living room.

Up next, mom's wearing her glasses all the time and turning into an old lady. :)